As a business owner, you’re in your element. 

Recently, you’ve been feeling off course.

So let’s get you back on track.

You’ve chosen one of the world’s toughest careers — but also one of the most rewarding. Since the day you started your very own business, you knew self-employment was exactly where you were supposed to be.

You just wish it didn’t feel so tough these days.

Listen: I get it. I’m a business owner too.

And I’ve worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs just like you.

Whether you’re feeling burned out or trying to maximize your income, I can help you become more accountable for creating the change you need.

Navigating entrepreneurship with skill, peace, and confidence

Let’s be honest: having your own business can feel really, really hard.

But with the right tools and resources, you can open the door to outrageous success.

Here’s how I can be a part of your story:

For the pioneers

You’ve shed a LOT of sweat and tears to build up your business. 

But with so much overwhelm on your plate, it’s harder and harder to see a path forward.

I’m here to tell you that things CAN and WILL get better. With the right systems, time management, and inner work, you can fall back in love with your business again.

Through a 1:1 coaching program, we’ll:

  • Resolve efficiency gaps

  • Remove creative blocks 

  • Realign goals with values

Let’s get you back to feeling organized and purpose-driven.

For the socialite

Entrepreneurship wasn’t meant to happen in a vacuum.

Community is where it’s at.

That’s why my group coaching services begin with friendship before anything else — it’s one of the best ways to sharpen yourself and talk with entrepreneurs who ‘get’ it.

This can help you:

  • Reexamine your priorities

  • Network with entrepreneurs

  • Build authentic relationships

Let’s transform overwhelm into opportunity.

These entrepreneurs transformed their lives in under a year

  • Doubled Closing Rate with Coaching

    “My business took a turn after just a few coaching sessions with Genevieve. We were able to tackle the things that held me back, my insecurities that were showing up in my business and led me to more than double my closing ratio with clients. I was able to talk to leads with confidence and let my true self shine so that potential clients were attracted to what I was offering. This was one of the best things I did for myself and for my business!”

    - Vanessa Naumann, Founder and CEO of Blanc Events, Las Vegas, USA

  • Creative Thinking

    “Genevieve’s individual coaching sessions have brought new solutions, shed a new light onto personal issues I’ve had for years. Her technique is very different to any psychotherapist or psychologist’s approach and will leave you thinking about the real reason behind your way of thinking or behaving.”

    — Sophie Anderson, Career Coaching Client, Cairns, Australia

  • Clear professional story

    Booking Geneviève was one of the best career moves I've ever made. My sessions with her gave me so much clarity on how to tell my professional story and what to focus on.

    - Eleanor Mayrhofer, Website Designer, Munich, Germany

  • Self-Validation

    “Our coaching program gave me the push I needed to continue to follow my gut feeling. I realised that I should capitalise on my passion and strengths rather than focus my energy on a financial stable job that brings no fulfilment.”

    - Geneviève LeBlanc, Lighting Designer, Montreal, Canada

You ARE going to be okay.

Are you ready?

If you want to get on the road to success, you first need to ask for directions.

And I can help you get there.

Ready for your zero-pressure assessment call?